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Who Am I - Trivia Questions

Trivia Mate

We have different games included for spot prizes during our trivia nights including Who Am I

Read the clues out in order stopping in between for people to guess, we recommend limiting each team to 1 or 2 guesses, so it lasts longer.

• I was born in Indiana on the 3rd of December

• My mother was a sales Counsellor and father Peter a Journalist

• My ancestry includes Czech, French Canadian, German, Irish, and Scottish

• My uncle George won a gold medal at the 1952 Olympics

• My family moved often during my childhood, living in Eureka, California; Seattle, Washington; Ottawa, Ontario; the Netherlands; and Switzerland.

• I graduated from Seattle's Cornish College of the Arts in 1990

• My first TV appearance was a brief appearance in the re-enactment of America's Most Wanted, as a friend of a murder victim.

• I met my wife at a BBQ hosted by Winona Ryder, we have 3 sons together.

• I started working on films in the early 90’s working alongside Steve Buscemi, Donald Sutherland, Joe Pesci and Adam Sandler.

• I speak fluent French and serve on the board of directors for FilmAid International

• I was a voice in the Simpsons in 1998 and twice in King of the Hill in 2000 and 2005

• In the early 2000’s I worked alongside Elizabeth Hurley, Michael Caine and Steve Martin.

• Sandra Bullock played my wife in an Academy Award winning film in 2004

• I played a small part in Scrubs with a keen interest in photography before I died in 2004

• I played the lead role in George of the Jungle and made a deal with the devil in the 2000 film Bedazzled.

• My surname is Fraser

• Who am I

Brendan Fraser


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