We have different games to include for spot prizes during our trivia nights including Who Am I
Read the clues out in order stopping in between for people to guess, we recommend limiting each team to 1 or 2 guesses, so it lasts longer.
• I was born on July 6th in New York City.
• My father was a hairdresser and mother an astrologer.
• My mother is of half French and half Russian Jewish descent.
• I had my first starring role in a soft core pornography feature film. I had done the film out of desperation after being evicted from my apartment and finding myself homeless for several days.
• My first known film role was in a film starring Robert Redford
• In 2008, I endorsed John McCain for that year's presidential election.
• My first major lead role was in 1976 where I was nominated for best actor.
• I am a strong advocate of gun control and have been described as "the most anti-gun person working in Hollywood today".
• In the 80’s I worked alongside Michael Caine, John Travolta, Donald Sutherland and Dolly Parton.
• I have also been nominated for best supporting actor in 2015
• I broke a finger trying to save a penalty kick from Pelé.
• In 2013 I starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vinnie Jones and 50 Cent.
• I have also recently starred alongside Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris and Liam Hemsworth
• I starred alongside and married Brigitte Nielsen.
• Whilst filming a fight scene with the wrestler Steve Austin I broke my neck.
• I directed and starred in The Expendables
• I’m known for starring in Rocky and Rambo
• My surname is Stallone
• Who am I
Sylvester Stallone