Here are some questions and answers if you're writing your own trivia nights

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1. 2 Points – What are the most northern and southern capital cities?
2. Who played Harold Wayne Bishop in the TV show Neighbours?
3. 2 Points – What are the names of the first 2 albums released by the band Coldplay?
4. Anagram – What actors name can be made by rearranging the letters from the words "On Any Screen" (Extra point for first team to solve)
5. 2 Points - “I’m gettin bugged driving up and down the same old strip / I gotta finda new place where the kids are hip” is a line from which 60’s hit
6. Which is further north Santiago or Buenos Aires?
7. 2 Points – What were Harry Potters parents called?
8. What name is given to a baby swan?
9. 3 Points – What is the name of the villain in the Teenage Mutand Ninja Turtles and his 2 sidekicks
1. Wellington/Reykjavík
2. Ian Smith
3. Parachutes, A Rush of Blood to the Head
4. Sean Connery
5. Beach boys – I Get Around
6. Santiago
7. James and Lilly
8. Cygnet
9. Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady